Archive for May, 2009

Biscuit Blanket Revisited

Posted in crafts, felting, fiber, fiber arts, hobbies, knitting, knitting pattern, needle arts, needle felting, Uncategorized, yarn with tags , , , , , on May 19, 2009 by firefly8868

20may09_biscuitblanketI am in the midst of (and nearly complete with) knitting one of my own Biscuit Blanket™ as a gift for someone who will, for now, remain unnamed.  I’m adding a pretty crocheted edge in a pretty colonial blue and have some other ideas of embellishments I made add.

20may01_yarncolorsAlso in the “Biscuit Blanket” category of creativity I am putting together some kits for them. So many people have been making these Biscuit Blankets as gifts for people that I thought it might be nice to offer a kit with the pattern, yarn, recipe for my Blue Ribbon Biscuits on a bookmark, a gift card featuring one of my photographs, and a gift bag all together as one package.  The yarn colors in this photo (above) will be available for the kits, and each kit will include the main color of yarn plus your choice of accent yarn for edging and a decorative I-cord.

I might even offer an option of ordering the kit with my recommended needles for the project (if needed).  A few of the kits will be available with a jar of my homemade preserves to make the gift even more special. For those of you who have already purchased the Biscuit Blanket pattern, you will also have the option of buying the kit but substituting a different pattern to add to your library.

I am enjoying putting the kits together but I could use your help with something.  I would like to survey my readers and the people on my mailing list to find out more about the knitting needles you have on hand already, what brands you like to use most, and whether or not the option of choosing a kit that includes needles would be needed and wanted.  This will help me decide whether or not to make the investment in inventory that would be necessary.  If you are willing to participate, here is a link to the survey.

As my way of saying thank you, at the end of June I will hold a drawing from all survey participants (who wish to participate in the drawing) and send one Biscuit Blanket kit (without needles) to the winner.

20may09_crochetbag3Other creative projects I have been designing include this 2″ tall crocheted sachet necklace and matching teeny tiny knitted “envelope” purse to go inside. It is embellished with a very small needle felted flower. I hope to create a kit for this project that would include everything needed to complete it too. I made this one for my sister-in-law as a little, “Just because I Love You” treat.

20may09_needlefeltedflowerHere is a needle felted flower brooch I made for use as a shawl/wrap closure or hat embellishment. It features a silver kilt pin securely fastened on the back side. This one will probably end up being offered for sale in one of my Etsy Stores (patterns / studio).

There are plenty more, but I have to run so will have to post again early next week to try to get more up to date with my readers.

I hope all of your creative juices are flowing, and that your spring is sliding right on into a beautiful and relaxing summer up ahead!

